Education & Outreach Requirements
The ILRP General Order requires that all members attend at least one outreach and grower education event per year. A representative from your membership (a consultant qualifies) must attend and sign in at one of the offered events to fulfill this requirement.
Given the significant overlap in membership, WWQC's outreach and grower education events are held in partnership with Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority, Cawelo Water District Coalition, and Buena Vista Coalition. Therefore, landowners only need to attend one outreach event to fulfill this requirement for any of your ILRP Coalition memberships within Kern County.
Generally, the events cover:
- Education on key priority practices to improve groundwater quality and nitrogen efficiency
- Assistance in completing your required Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan Worksheet and Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan Summary Report
- Overview of how to interpret your individualized Nitrogen Analysis Report
- Relevant updates on new or changing ILRP requirements